No solid food after 10:00pm EST the night before surgery.
- Patients may have clear liquids up to four hours before surgery – these include water, coffee/tea without cream, soda, apple juice.
- Infants (less than one year) may have clear liquids up to four hours before surgery, breast milk up to six hours before surgery. No formula after 10:00pm EST the night before surgery.
- No alcoholic beverages the day before or the day of your procedure.
- Patients are to take all usual medications with sips of water on the morning of surgery for:
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Heart problems
- Hypothyroidism (thyroid problems)
- Seizure problems
- Lung problems
- Acid reflux
- Parkinson’s disease
- Diabetes: no oral diabetes medication – if on insulin, take half a dose of the usual morning insulin. If on an insulin pump, the patient should continue the pump on the basal (overnight) rate and bring an extra skin-insertion patch. These patients should be scheduled as early in the day as possible and should check their blood sugar at home prior to arrival
- Anticoagulants/Antiplatelet drugs – you will receive specific instructions from your surgeon regarding these drugs. Also, patients who are on antiplatelet drugs and have Intracoronary Stents in place MUST have a cardiology consultation regarding the management of their antiplatelet/anticoagulant medications PRIOR TO the surgery (if they are going to receive general anesthesia for their surgery).
- In addition, patients are not to take the following on the day of surgery:
- Diuretics (water pills)
- Oral diabetic medications you take as a pill.